The Voice of the Voiceless
Maximon Monihan, 2015
Catalog No.: FTF-068
Length: 80 minutes
La Voz de los Silenciados (The Voice of the Voiceless) is a silent film that takes us inside the mind and heartbreak of Olga, a deaf teenager brought from Latin America to New York City, under the false promise of attending a “Christian Sign Language School”. Upon arrival we enter a world of immigrant trafficking, and life is turned upside-down as she's enslaved by an international criminal ring. Forced to beg on the subway, Olga uses courage, cunning, and even humor, to face an unimaginable nightmare-on-loop that ravages the audience. Based on a real case broken by the NYPD.
Directed and Written by Maximón Monihan
Produced by Sheena Matheiken
Cinematography by Miana Juanita Grafals and José Galleta
Starring: Janeva Adena Calderón Zentz, Ricky Powell, Pamela Guthrie, Kevin Tamayo, Señor Muerto, TOC, Vicente Carache, Gillian McKenzie, Gerardo Masis, Osvaldo Maciel
Festivals: SF Indie Fest, Mumbai International Film Festival, Singapore International Film Festival, Transilvania International Film Festival, Istanbul International Film Festival, Galway Fleadh, NXNE, Göteborg International Film Festival, Glasgow Film Festival, Kerala International Film Festival, Dharamshala International Film Festival and Ale Kino International Film Festival
"It's like Chaplin meets Eraserhead."
-GQ Magazine
This film is a knockout. It shows my city in a way I had never seen before.
- Abel Ferrara, Director
Voice of the Voiceless is a revelation.
- Twitch Film
Opens our eyes to an unknown world and speaks volumes.
- TV Bomb Glasgow
"A monumental debut."
- Berlin Film Journal
"A black and white masterpiece."
- The Irish Times